Join the AMA while you
are in medical school. |
Join the AMA while you
are in medical school. |
With the largest and most influential organization of medical students in the country, the American Medical Association provides medical students access to a nationwide network of physicians that spans all specialties, career stages and practice settings.
With the largest and most influential organization of medical students in the country, the American Medical Association provides medical students access to a nationwide network of physicians that spans all specialties, career stages and practice settings.
AMA member benefits help you succeed:
- Full access to The JAMA Network®
- Customized news that will keep you informed about health care issues
- Opportunities to share your opinion and shape the future of medicine
- Special savings from Kaplan Medical, Hertz®, Wells Fargo, UPS® and others
You may also call (800) 262-3211 for assistance.
* Please respond by Nov. 16, 2014.